«Showdown» is a team-based VR PvP shooter in which up to six players in two teams can compete against each other. Teams will be sent to an abandoned military base inside the virtual world.
The objective of the game is for each team to tag as many players from the opposing team as possible.
A tagged player becomes neutralized and cannot tag any other plays until he is respawned in his home base. Tagged players will have to walk back to their home base in order to respawn and join the battle again.
A «Showdown» match is split into three rounds on three different maps. Each round takes 4 minutes before proceeding to the next map.
The team which has tagged the most players of the opponent team will win match.
Showdown Masters tournament series.
The first Showdown Masters by Fusion Esports League tournament was held in 2018 and was the first Full-Body-VR tournament worldwide at the time.
“Fusion Arena customers were constantly asking for yet another Showdown Masters tournament. We heard you! This time we go even bigger and present you the Showdown series! 2 VR tournaments per year guaranteed!”
Christoph Zweifel, Head Fusion Arena @ Pandally AG.
No matter if you are a complete newbie, or an e-sports enthusiast. Everyone 12 or older is invited to enter the virtual world and compete for the Showdown Masters title!
Minors between 12 and 16 years must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
How does it work?
Thanks to the full body VR Tracking technology it is possible to display a player with their full body inside the virtual world. Allowing to display a real-time accurate representation of the players real life movements. Allowing other players to read body movements and plan their next moves.
In order for the full body VR tracking to work each player is equipped with a variety of sensors. Sensors can be found on the Backpack, VR-Goggles, Gun, Hand and Feet.
It is strictly forbidden to alter the equipment provided in any way. Please see our rule book for more info.