«Showdown Masters» is a tournament format for team-based PvP shooter in which up to six players in two teams can compete against each other. The games within the Masters are developed by TrueVRSystems.
To include all potential competitors, there are two formats available targeted at the casual player “Grümpi” and ambitious players “Pro”.
What to Expect
Team-based VR PvP shooter action in which up to six players (depending on game) in two teams can compete against each other. The original “Showdown” title plays in an abandoned military base. “Desert Storm” takes place in a middle eastern market setting. “Urban Assault” in an urban environment as the title suggests.
The objective of the game is for each team to tag as many players from the opposing team as possible. A tagged player becomes neutralized and cannot tag any other players until he is respawned in his home base. A «Showdown Masters» match is split into rounds on different maps. Each round takes 4 minutes before proceeding to the next map.
Two Tournaments Formats
«Grümpi» our Grümpi format is targeted at the casual player that occasionally plays PvP VR games but is not competitively active in an Esports organization and/or did not compete in a Showdown Masters before with a top 10 qualifications.
«Pro» Pro tournaments are targeted at Esports organizations and professional players that competed in Showdown Master before. The skill level of players is considered high and competitive.

Showdown Masters will be held in Fusion Arena Virtual Reality Centers in Bern, St. Gallen and Zurich.
August 20th 2023, Fusion Arena Zurich, Desert Storm, Grümpi Format
September 17th 2023, Fusion Arena Bern, Showdown, Grümpi Format